Bakery Ordering + Prices

All creations are by Elora Danick and are of her own design or inspirations off Real Life Cakes.
Every cake comes with it's own matching cake slice, and is scripted and animated to give you a slice and fork, animated to be eaten upon attachment.

Cakes are priced upon the discretion of the creator, at a minimum base of $250 excluding custom needed items.
If your cake requires or desires special sculpts that I cannot create, or do not own, the person ordering may be responsible for part, or all of the cost for the sculpts for their custom creation.

 Please Contact me in-world {Elora Danick} for an order form, or copy the bottom into a notecard and send it to me to initiate your custom order.

NOTE: Please give 48-72 hours in advance, it takes me time to do these. ALSO, by ordering a cake through me, you give me permission to offer a generic version of your custom cake design in my store for general sale purposes.
        Your name:
        Today's Date:
        Date Needed by:

        How many tiers?:
        Colors? Textures?:
        Any Picture References?:
        Any other details?